Riggs Manor Retirement Community

Riggs Manor Retirement Community


ApartmentsAssisted Living/Retirement

About Us

If an active retirement lifestyle is what you’re looking for, look no further than Riggs Manor. Riggs Manor offers independent living apartments, assisted living apartment, and the most innovative assisted-living lifestyle in America today - The Green House® Homes. The Green House® Homes at Riggs Manor provide daily assisted living with a special emphasis on those living with demnetia or Alzheimer's.

Conveniently located two miles from the charming, historic town of Raymond, Mississippi, Riggs Manor provides many opportunities to stay active and engaged during retirement. Residents find themselves near Hinds Community College, which offers many cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities to all ages.

Riggs Manor is also located on 50 acres of natural beauty, with walking trails and multiple ponds. Riggs Manor provides older adults with a nurturing environment. Here you can enjoy the environment and peace of mind only a small town can offer.


  • Beautiful country setting
  • Garden Homes, Studio apartments, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments
  • The Green House® Homes
  • Family-like atmosphere
  • Enriching activities and community


Experience a warm, family-like atmosphere
Senior living in a beautiful country setting
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Printed courtesy of www.rankinchamber.com/ – Contact the Rankin County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
101 Service Drive, Brandon, MS 39043 – (601) 825-2268 – information@rankinchamber.com