County Government
The people that govern Rankin County are here to listen to you. The Rankin County website has all of the names and numbers of the people and agencies employed to keep our county running smoothly and effectively towards growth.
Listed below are numbers for the elected officials in the county government along with links to their websites. Also listed on this page are photos of the members of the Board of Supervisors and their email addresses.
Board of Supervisors- 601.825.1475
Chancery Clerk- 601.825.1469
Circuit Clerk- 601.825.1466
Coroner- 601.670.0933
County Prosecutor- 601.824.2590
District Attorney- 601.825.1472
Election Commission- 601.824.7114
Sheriff's Office- 601.825.1480
Tax Assessor- 601.825.1470
Tax Collector- 601.825.1467
Rankin County Board of Supervisors:

District 1: Jared Morrison

District 2: Daniel Cross

District 3: Brad Calhoun

District 4: Steve Gaines

District 5: Jay Bishop